Do Everything You Can Control
A powerful phrase that you will hear often the longer you stay in the game. But what does it
actually mean, and how can I use it to better my game?
We’ve all had good games and bad games. Games in the sun and in the freezing cold rain. Games where you feel unstoppable and others where you feel like you can’t control a ball. Controlling the controllables means doing everything you can to ensure you can play to the best of your ability no matter the situation or environment you are in.
Basically, focussing on yourself and the things you can control, over the things that you
TPP TIP - Focus on you and be the best version of yourself
Things you can focus on controlling
Your preparation for training/games
Your diet and hydration leading up to a game
Your mindset
Fitness levels and attitude
Being a team player
Things you cannot control
The weather
The pitch
A referee/decision you don’t agree with
Getting picked
Negative comments from team-mates
